Thoughts In a Car med Jesper Buch

Anna · 11. april 2023

English version below.

I marts måned fejrede vi 10 års fødselsdag. I den anledning gav vi Jesper Buch et lift, da han også kunne fejre 10 års jubilæum som investor hos os.

Undervejs fortæller Jesper bl.a. om, hvordan han og GoMore krydsede spor for 10 år siden. Derudover får du også et par uventede life hacks til bedre søvn, et par dårlige jokes, og ikke mindst finder du ud af, hvem der reelt går med jeans i 2023.

Se videoen her

In March we celebrated our 10th birthday. On this occasion, we gave Danish entrepreneur and investor, Jesper Buch, a lift, as he could also celebrate 10 years as an investor with us.

Along the way, Jesper talks about how he and GoMore crossed paths 10 years ago. In addition, you will also get a few unexpected life hacks for better sleep, a few bad jokes, and not least, you will find out who is really wearing jeans in 2023.

See the video here

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